Introduction to LaTeX at the Developers Conference 2018

November 22, 2018
MSCC Developers Conference Mauritius LSL Digital

I’ve been very irregular with my blog posts lately. Quite a few events went by without any mention. I’ll try to rectify this with a few quick posts today, maybe.

So, I’ll start with the Developers Conference1 2018. What I did mostly was chilling with friends and a quick introduction to LaTeX back then. I didn’t expect a lot of people to show interest but to my surprise it turned out great and I enjoyed every minute.

I hope the video will be informative.

The first few minutes of the presentation are missing in the video as my mobile ran out of space after I recorded a few presentations earlier by my colleagues from LSL Digital2. Thanks to Shelly3 for quickly swapping her phone with mine and recording the presentation.

As promised my presentation slides are available at Speaker Deck4 and the LaTeX source can be grabbed from GitHub5.

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