Extract from Hatha Yoga Pradipika

April 3, 2013
sanskrit yoga

I recently read a short text from my FB feeds, it said :

भ्रुवोर्मध्ये शिवस्थानं मनस्तत्र विलीयते ।
ज्ञातव्यं तत्पदं तुर्यं तत्र कालो न विद्यते ॥
Bhruvormadhye śivasthānam manastatra vilīyate Jñātavyam tatpadam turyam tatra kālo na vidyate

It translates as follows:

The seat of Śiva is between the eyebrows, and the mind becomes absorbed there. This condition (in which the mind is thus absorbed) is known as Tûrya, and death has no access there.

It was so mesmerizing I could not resist finding it’s source. The text is taken from a book called Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which is a classic manual on Hatha Yoga, written by Svāmi Svātmārāma.

Read more here.

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