Twitter Bootstrap

April 20, 2013
twitter html css

Twitter Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, charts, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.

– Wikipedia

Twitter Bootstrap

The short description taken from Wikipedia tells it all.

What makes a web page beautiful? We’d say design of course. Back in the 90‘s HTML tables had revolutionized the way we design pages. With the advent of CSS things changed drastically however.

I’ve always admired the work of web designers in the making of modern web pages. CSS3 & HTML5 combined together are so elegant. While those just starting with CSS3 could find it bulky, Twitter Bootstrap has made it much easier to integrate elegant CSS3 styles in web projects.

It was Thiery L from my workplace who’d been a greater fan of Twitter Bootstrap. He really enjoys messing with projects, building things from scratch while I prefer building on existing frameworks :) Yeah … I’m a bit lazy with those building app things. So, I took the shortest way to get Twitter Bootstrap into my blog, i.e installing one of those worpress plugins. There exist dozens of plugins that make wordpress integration simpler.