The Liberty Festival

July 20, 2014

It’s only when I got in touch with several artists within the No To Biometric ID Card group that I realized, hey there is a whole different world out there. I usually hang out with my geek folks where we talk all about tech happenings & might discuss of the next big thing. Meeting artists within the NoToBiomeTRICKS group has been an awesome experience.

On the 2nd of August the group is organizing an event at Santosha Refuge, Tamarin, which will be called festival de la liberté. The aim of the festival is a creative expression about our liberties and a colorful, musical way to say NO to the biometric identity card as imposed by the government.


When folks told me about this festival, I was like oh sounds nice but how can I contribute? I looked around and found musicians, singers, poets, artists but who am I? A geek! How could I possibly contribute to this festival. Then the idea struck me. Hey! It’s all about freedom. I’ve been, along with many others, campaigning for Software Freedom, for Open Standards, doesn’t that make us the geeks, being Software Freedom Activists. Yeah baby! It all of a sudden started to sound fun.

In my jargon, I thought I’d call it Libertyfest (^^,) … To align with our other festivals such as Linuxfest, Installfest, Hackfest etc.

Google defines liberty as being: The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

How to contribute?

I’ll be at Santosha Refuge on the 2nd of August 2014, giving a short musical speech about the freedom of software, a glimpse on history of geeks who changed the facet of technology. A mention of unsung heroes whom local folks might have never heard about. I’ll try to make it rhyme to stay in-line with artists ( :

I’ll be there to answer anybody’s query as to why we’re campaigning for Open Standards.

Maybe that could be a change for this little geek to address a whole different audience all while showing another facet of technology as we use it.

Photo highlights from a previous event at Santosha Refuge, "Unity Through Creativity"

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