Parliamentary debates, a good read

May 25, 2014

The Mauritian Government Portal is a treasure trove for anyone who needs information that hasn’t been circulated on TV, Radio or even newspapers. Like for example, parliamentary debates are displayed in short (very short) extracts on the TV News.

What am I looking for on the Gov Portal?

As stated several times in my previous articles, I do not know about the technicalities of the MNIS (Mauritius National Identity Scheme) Project. Therefore, I am not able to say anything about secure, unsecure, value-for-money or anything related.

The Government Portal has a section dedicated to the National Assembly, which hosts quite a bunch of information, including Parliamentary Debates in their totality. Those could be lengthy read but believe me, they are worth it (^^,) …


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I was today reading the debates from Tuesday 30 October 2012. The first question was shot to the Hon. Minister of Information and Communication Technology in relation to the new National Identity Card. What followed was a good read ( :