allowing download of copyrighted ebooks
May 16, 2015
I came across some copyrighted materials on the website of I was surprised to see copyrighted ebooks on computing lurking under the web address of an educational institution (based on the domain). It is a severe breach of law to share copyrighted materials without permission and I would not expect such an action from a school/university
I clicked on the links and the full ebooks are actually shared.
I went to the homepage but the same is showing a database connection error.
Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL
I ran a whois on the domain but there is no registrant information.
Thus I could not find an email address to flag the issue of sharing copyrighted material. I would not bother looking for the institution’s email address somewhere else if they do not care about fixing their website. I am rather putting CERT-MU in the loop to look into the matter.
Email sent, Mauritius Internet Users copied.