Darknet, presentations at University of Mauritius
November 1, 2014
Last weekend during a Skype call along with S. Moonesamy (SM), Rashill and Shelly, we came up with the idea of having a presentation on Darknet. We planned it as a group presentation with each person talking about something specific. During the week, SM sent the following email on the Mauritius Internet Users (MIU) mailing list:
We are organizing a debate about Darknet on Saturday 1st November in collaboration with the Computer Club of the University of Mauritius.
Time: 11:30 to 13:00 Venue: Room 1.14, Phase II, University of Mauritius, Reduit
There will be presentations by the following speakers:
11:30 Shelly - Introduction and general overview of Darknet - What is Darknet - Who uses Darknet - Accessing Darknet
11:35 Rashill - Exploring the Darknet
11:40 Ish - Demo: Running Tor on your Android mobile phone
11:50 Alexandre - Darknet, a space of absolute freedom for cyber militants and worldwide press
11:55 Nitin - Vidali - Hosting services - Advantages and disadvantages of the Darknet - Using the Tails Operating System
12:10 - 13:00 Discussion
The target audience is anyone who is interested in what can be done on the internet.
Regards, S. Moonesamy
Today we had the presentations happening thanks to the University of Mauritius Computer Club. Due to technical mishaps with regards to the room number, we started around noon instead of 11h30. Shelly was the first speaker, giving an introduction into Darknet, Deep Web and Tor. Although not very acquainted to such topics, Shelly did a pretty homework in just a couple of days.
Shelly Hermia Bhujun
Next, came up Rashill with some additional information pertaining to Darknet; more about what it is used for. He had the perfect timing & presentation style. Content-wise it could have been improved but of course for a short-notice prez I’ll commend his work. Thumbs up buddy.
Rashill Gopee
I then came up with my mini-demo: How to run Tor on your Android device. I showed folks how to get Orbot from Google Play Store. During a discussion on MIU mailing list recently, SM notified that certain HTML5 tags could allow one’s identity be compromised with Orweb (a browser that complements Orbot). Therefore, my mini-demo was rather geared at configuring another browser to use Tor service. I chose Firefox for Android.
This is me :-)
Right after that, Alex presented his views and findings. He elaborated on how press people & hackivists use Tor services in order to get information circulated without compromising their identity. Yet another informative presentation.
Alex Bazile
In the end Nitin came up with his fantastic presentation along with a demo of TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito Live System). His presentation triggered some interesting Q&A like; are we really safe (anonymous) behind Tor?
Nitin Mutkawoa
As usual we ended the day under the shade of the « Sacred Tree » which is most commonly known as « Crater » at the University of Mauritius.