Code & Coffee

August 20, 2014

After a very long time I have been able to attend Code & Coffee this morning. Hmm, morning? Huh. Let’s see. I woke up at 08h30 & could only reach Vida e Café at Bagatelle around 11h00. Yeah! JoKi had to call me up to check if I’m on way. Indeed, I was, in a slow bus.

JoKi and I had a couple of stuffs to discuss but couldn’t catch up on those. Never mind, we may still continue discussions online.

So... Who made it this time?

Yudish Luchman, Pritvi Jheengut, Franco, Jochen Kirstätter and me.



That’s the me, not yet fully awake ( :

Irshaad left a message on my facebook wall but it looks like he woke up late too. Anyway, by the time I reached folks had a hot topic on Ruby. I missed that one. I ordered a coffee & tried to fit into the discussion only here and there. Then JoKi tossed the Saturday 30th MSCC’s meetup. It’s going to be about entrepreneurship. I told him to count me as a spare speaker. We’re still unsure about the location but it’s highly probable to happen at Ebène Accelerator.


Franco left earlier, then JoKi.

The rest of us continued discussing random topics until Pritvi showed us his ODROID-U3 arsenal.


We awed at this marvel. The ODROID-U3 is a powerful singleboard computer with a 1.7GHz Quad-Core processor and 2GB RAM. Yudish & I took out our cameras and shot this thing from all angles.





Around noon meetup ended with everyone leaving ( :