A growing FOSS community in Mauritius

June 1, 2014

As shot on facebook during the week, a bunch of geeks met yesterday for a random meetup. Aww! Not so random as I proposed to discuss Bug Reporting. Let’s see how the day unfolded.

It’s Saturday, as usual I would wake up late. One of the reasons why I don’t like meetups to start early. I reached Bagatelle at 11h30 and on the way, Jagveer & Yuram called to enquire if we are coming. Once there I rushed to Vida e Cafè where meetup was scheduled. It was in fact scheduled in a fun way this time. 10h00 - 12h00 (or till location is overtaken by a penguin army) at Vida e Cafè, then lunch time we should move to Burger Perfect.


Who made it?

Jagveer, Yog, Yuram, Yudish, Shamsher (Luffy), Chelon, Nitin Mutkawoa, Pritvi, Mirza, Selven, Logan and me.

Latecomers aren’t in the photo above ( :

As we had coffee, we shot a first string of discussions over recent happenings. Web Security being the top priority, I informed folks about the upcoming meetup and asked them to subscribe to the LUGM mailing list (if they haven’t done so) for updates. We discussed the importance of bug reporting and how it helps make future releases more pleasant. It also puts Mauritians in the forefront as contributors to the global open source community.

Around 13h00 we moved to Burger Perfect. We ordered food, drinks and plugged laptops on power, along with the free wifi (courtesy of Burger Perfect).



ubuntu-mauritius-220Since we had Internet connection, I was able to do a quick tour of Launchpad, showing how bug reports are filed for Ubuntu & various applications. We browsed the bug tracker page and had a look at some bug reports, brainstorming on the kind of information that one should include when submitting a bug report. As it happens, I had a bug concerning Ubiquity Installer to report. Unfortunately, I forgot the netbook on which the bug occurs, otherwise we could have reported the same together. I also showed folks our Ubuntu Mauritius LoCo Team page and explained the advantages of having Ubuntu users joining and contributing to the community via this channel.

Logan & Selven joined us a while later. Nitin grabbed this opportunity to shoot his BSD related questions at them. In fact, Nitin has been tinkering a lot on GhostBSD these days. I hope some cool stuffs will show up on his blog soon.

Some photo highlights
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I was also expecting some folks from JCI (Junior Chamber International) to meet us. We’re at the moment trying to find a common platform for a Raspberry Pi project they have started. Within LUGM & MSCC we could have the resources they need to make the project a success. I’ll send details about the project on the LUGM mailing list, so those who wish to contribute can follow the discussion there.

Discussion with JCI folks
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Later in the afternoon, geeks decided to settle discussions over beer. We moved to Flying Dodo and continued the usual talking.

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Aww! Beer was soothing & helped calming the neurons. We didn’t realise we stayed there till night & had dinner.

Some were having good time while others having a good laugh
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