
February 10, 2017

Hello! My name is Ish Sookun. I am a passionate blogger, a Linux enthusiast and a Free & Open Source Software advocate. I started using Linux some 13 years ago when Internet was still primitive in Mauritius. I used to travel around the island just to get a copy of any GNU/Linux distribution.

HACKLOG is all about my love story with computers & Linux. It is my Internet space where I publish stuffs spinning in my mind. It is my hack log. I write about things I break & I repair.

I am also passionate about scripting & programming. Once in a while I’d write a script to automate my tasks. I am currently a Linux System Administrator at LSL Digital, the digital department of La Sentinelle. Together with a team of enthusiastic people we build and run lexpress.mu.

I was once a happy penguin at Linkbynet, then I spent some time spreading Linux Love at Orange Business Services, until I landed at Stella Telecom to do Research & Development, and finally at La Sentinelle Ltd.

Apart from work I spend a lot of time evangelizing Linux and FOSS through workshops, seminars, social networks and my blog. I am also an openSUSE Advocate. If you’re from the region ping me and we can throw a party with other computer geeks around.

I am the P.R.O of the Linux User Group of Mauritius and usually on Saturdays you would find me and other Linux enthusiasts having geek talk in a café or restaurant around Bagatelle Mall.

I strive for a better Internet experience in Mauritius by tossing my ideas & stuffs I discover on the Mauritius Internet Users mailing list.

I am a member of the ICT Advisory Council. As per Section 35 of the ICT Act 2001, the Council advises the Minister on matters such as interests of consumers, research & development, policies, among others.


13 November 2014, LinuxFest at Université des Mascareignes, I talked about « contributing to the open source community »
13 September 2014, Ubuntu Global Jam (UGJ) – Mauritius, I demoed Synergy on a mix of Ubuntu & openSUSE machines
openSUSE Presentation - openSUSE Project/Advocate Program presentation during Linuxfest 2013, Octave Wiehe Auditorium, Mauritius.
Talk on Open Source - Infotech 2013, SVICC, Mauritius.
MySQL Replication & LVM Snapshot - Open Source Software Conference (OSSC) 2011, Burrunchobay Lecture Theatre, University of Mauritius.
openSUSE Presentation - Linuxfest 2010, Lecture Theatre II (FLM), University of Mauritius.



Piratage Informatique : La page de la Lotterie Verte victime d’un hacker, September 2014
Ish Sookun : « Je suis contre les données biométriques », July 2014
L’Internet haut débit : La rapidité de l’accès ouvre de nouvelles perspectives, February 2014
La baisse du coût de l’Internet fait chuter les recettes des cybercafés, January 2014
Code Challenge : les résultats, July 2013
ÉBÈNE ACCELERATOR : Kalamindas et PowerShell raflent les premiers prix, July 2013
« Indra » : des services VIP, February 2008

The blog entries represent my opinion and not that of my employer, neither any group to which I am a member of (e.g ICT Advisory Council, LUGM, MIU) unless I specify otherwise.

Some of the images/logos I use in the posts are available from the Internet. I do not own them. I provide due credit to the owner if I’m aware of the source. You are free to contact me to provide proper credit or ask for removal of an image.